All I know is spandex no longer invokes jokes about Richard Simmons, exaggerated shoulders are no longer for the moms who had shoulder pads in their dresses and suits, and bleached and acid wash and ripped holes and plaid and Raybans are back! Are we seeing something this second go-round that we didn't see the first time, or are we just running out of original ideas?
In an article I read about how to dress for fashion week, the author made a very interesting point - just because you're wearing what's in now, doesn't mean you're being fashion forward.
5. Don’t slave the trends.
Just because something is in when fashion week rolls around doesn’t mean you should devote your entire look to it. Remember, once a trend ships to stores it has been wholesaleing for over 6 months and was designed several months before that. So maybe lace is huge right now, maybe you’ve seen it all over Barney’s Co-op and in the Bloomies catalogue and The View talked about it in their ‘hot trends for Fall’ feature but that doesn’t make it fresh to anyone in the industry. We’ve all been looking at it for the past year!
I’m not saying don’t wear it, I’m saying don’t wear too much of it, i.e. a lace dress with lace fingerless gloves and lace half socks under your open toe booties with a jacket covered in zippers on top (because zippers are everywhere too so you thought it would look totally trendy!). Like most things, a little bit goes a long way.
Just an interesting tidbit that I'd never thought about. Not that I've ever been to a fashion show period (though, duh, I want to go so bad! :), but I'm definitely more interested in how fashion-as-art translates to and inspires fashion-as-expression in the real world. Wear what makes you feel good!
The impetus for this post comes from something that happened to me last night. I was sorting out clothes to hand down to my sister when I came across a suit jacket that I never ever wore because it was slightly too big, and the shoulders had pads in them that I've been too lazy to cut out and alter to fit me. Besides, the suit jacket was $30 and I bought it over a year and a half ago for work.
But when I took it down from the hanger and was about to throw it in the pile, something compelled me to stop and put it on. At the time, I was wearing a pink backless LnA spaghetti strap top and leggings. I loved it! I loved the look! I added my Coach black heels and accessories (my Cobalt Love Quotes scarf or my fake pearl necklace), and tried both long and cropped leggings, and came up with this:

My shoulders in the second set of pictures, plus the leggings - so 80s! I could totally see myself going to a casual gathering or even out somewhere like a museum party. I could even see myself putting on a pair of RayBans!
To give this formal piece (a suit jacket no less!!) that casual vibe, wear it with a tee and a lazy-chic (i coined that term :) accessory underneath. The final touch? Cuff the sleeve!

I can't help it. Maybe I am a slave to trends sometimes.
Maybe I really need to get a real room lamp so everything doesn't come out so blurry!
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